michael scott and leslie knope approved

09 October 2013

Big Tex Returns

Big Tex is back y'all! If you're from Texas, you'd understand what a huge thing this is. Big Tex (a symbol of Texas and the State Fair) had burned down last year and left us Texans devastated. I know it sounds kind of silly but trust me when I say, "it's kind of a big deal." We met up with a few friends for some guilt-free gluttony.

And of course had to get the world famous Fletcher's corn dog. Delicious.

Emily also learned how to pilot her own "buffalo fighter" (and already with a passenger!). No biggie.

Tried the Fried Nutella. It was only ok.

Eating some Dippin' dots and checking each other's tongues to see what colors they were.

Looks like brown with a touch of orange.
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